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The Issues At Hand

Truth & Freedom

Property Taxes and Rights

Second Amendment

Without the safeguards given to us in the 2nd Amendment, we have no way to protect any of our other rights. This right must not be infringed upon and as George Washington said, "Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself."

Governmental Overreach

Excessive policies and regulations stifle the ability of our businesses, both corporate and local, to grow. Persistent governmental overreach is a clear enemy of our intended freedom.

Ever-increasing property taxes and the continual movement to erode private property rights is anti-American and serves to remove one's ability to preserve the property they have worked for.


Life begins at the moment of conception. We should protect it and recognize their inherent value.

Supports the Constitution

Our Founding Fathers knew that the power belonged to the people. The Constitution has and will continuously stand the test of time. It has been endlessly under attack by those who wish to disregard it. We must do everything in our power to stand against this effort to destroy our Constitution.

Freedom (Religious & Medical)

A government that is willing to close churches or force injections is a government that has no reservations in compelling compliance in other areas of our lives.

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